Frequently Asked Questions

How much will a video cost?
How large is Utterly Epic Productions?
How much experience do we have?
What are the advantages of working with Utterly Epic?
What equipment do we have for filming? 
What is the first step?

Robin answers the most frequently asked questions:

How much will a video cost?

Let’s start with the big question!

If, for example, you Google ‘how much does a promotional video cost’, the answer comes up as; ‘a corporate video produced in the UK can cost anywhere from £500 to £25,000.’ - not that helpful!

But there are a huge range of variables so costs can vary dramatically.

Currently I charge a flat £400 per day* for film production. So realistically, a straightforward 1 to 2 minute promotional style video might start at around £1,000. That would allow a day for filming, a day for editing, and a half day for titles, graphics, sourcing an appropriate backing soundtrack etc.

* includes use of all in-house equipment but excludes travel and accommodation costs (if required). Also excludes licensing costs for audio or video footage.

How large is Utterly Epic Productions?

We are a small business, run, owned and operated by me, Robin Horsley, with a small crew of others who get involved with larger projects as needed.

How much experience do you have?

I (Robin) started making video a little over 20 years ago when desktop video editing and digital video cameras first became available. At the time, I was responsible for sales and marketing for an IT company and immediately realised that we could use video extensively to help sell and market our products and services.

We started with an in-house produced business promo video and then produced demo and training videos for most of the hardware and software products that we supplied. This was all before YouTube, so they were mainly distributed on DVD - we sent out tens of thousands of them!

To improve the quality of video I was producing I did many different courses learning all the technical skills required to produce high quality video.

Since then I have produced hundreds of videos for different purposes. During the last few years I have worked extensively with various think-tanks and social issues organisations filming events and interviews and producing clips for distribution via social media often with a viral element - in the last five years these clips have had over 35 million views on social media channels.

What are the advantages of working with Utterly Epic Productions?

There are lots of great videographers out there capable of producing great looking video images. However, there are few that have the marketing skills and experience to make video that delivers messages to the audience in the most effective ways possible. I started out as a marketeer and became a film-maker. My focus is therefore on effective communication rather than simply producing attractive sequences of video imagery.

Utterly Epic is a small business.. so it’s a very personal service. Commissioning a video can be a daunting process… but it really doesn’t need to be. My approach is to de-mystify the process and make it a simple, straightforward and enjoyable experience.

What equipment do you have?

A huge range. I currently have one camera capable of 6k video and four 4k cameras - ideal for filming events with multiple cameras. Other equipment includes: a wide range of lenses, microphones, tripods, sliders, lighting rigs, green and blue screen equipment, a DJI drone and lots of other elements. I edit on a high specification Mac with Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve.

What is the first step?

Just drop me an email or give me a call and let me know what you are looking to achieve. There is no obligation on your part - let’s just talk it through and see where it takes us. 

I hope to hear from you soon!

Robin Horsley, Utterly Epic Productions.

Utterly Epic Productions,
Trodds Lane,
Guildford, Surrey,


Phone: 07973 336648
Email - Click Here